In this update:
Upcoming Events
Schedule Change Reminder:
This week the Monday and Wednesday schedules are switched because of PSAT testing on Wednesday.Monday is a Odd Day (Periods 1, 3, 5, and 7) and Wednesday all classes will meet using a slightly modified schedule.
See the activities calendar for a list of activities each day.
See the athletic calendar for this weeks schedules.
Principal's Update
Hello Matador Families,
9th and 10th graders will be taking their first step toward a great college or career.
We will be giving the PSAT to all Freshmen and Sophomores on campus this Wednesday, October 11th.
Our collaboration day has been moved to Wednesday to accommodate testing. Monday will become an "odd" block day.
The PSAT is a test that will help educators and students figure out what students need to work on most so that they are ready for college when they graduate from high school.
The benefits of taking the PSAT include:
- The PSAT establishes a baseline measurement of college and career readiness.
- The PSAT tests the same skills and knowledge as the SAT, in a way that makes sense for each grade level.
- Personalized practice on Khan Academy® gives students the opportunity to upload their test results to receive targeted learning plans that students can use to learn more about and practice the skills they need to improve.
- The score reports will give students comprehensive, personalized feedback on test performance, allowing students to see which questions were answered incorrectly and which academic skills they should work to improve.
- Information on college majors and career exploration are offered by the College Board and RoadtripNation.
For more information on the PSAT, visit the websites below.
For 9th graders visit https://collegereadiness.
For 10th graders visit https://collegereadiness. psat-10
Sign up for Guidance Announcements using Remind
Sign-up for REMIND to receive important ANNOUNCEMENTS and REMINDERS from your Counselor for your grade level.
12th Grade students (Class of 2018)
Text the message:@matador18 to the number 81010
11th Grade students (Class of 2019)
Text the message @matador19 to the number 81010
10th Grade Students (Class of 2020)
Text the message @matador20 to the number 81010
9th Grade Students (Class of 2021)
Text the message @matador21 to the number 81010
Free College Fair - October 25, 2017
Want to attend a FREE College Fair?Mount Miguel High School will be taking two buses to the 2017 Cal-SOAP College Fair on Wednesday, October 25th 5pm-8pm at the Scottish Rite Center in Mission Valley. There will be FREE workshops on college, financial aid, study abroad and much more! Come meet with admissions counselors from over 100 colleges and universities.
Pick up a permission slip in the Counseling Center and turn them in to Ms. Garcia, Counselor. Permission slips will be accepted on a first come first serve basis. Don't miss out on this amazing opportunity to get college information.
The ASVAB will be held on October 16, 2017
The Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB) is part of a Career Exploration Program designed to help students learn more about themselves and the world of work, explore occupations in line with their interests and skills and develop an effective strategy to realize their career goals. Results of the aptitude test and the interest inventory enable students to evaluate their skills, estimate their performance in academic and vocational endeavors and identify potentially satisfying careers.
The ASVAB will be held on October 16, 2017 from 8 am to noon in Room 356. A Parent/Guardian Request for Student Participation form must be signed prior to the test date and is available by contacting Mrs. Aragon in the Guidance Office at or by calling (619) 667-6441. A follow up and evaluation of the ASVAB is also included after October 16th.
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